Exploring New Grounds

Hi, there! I’m Aïcha, a very excited new contributor to Maxine’s great blog!  Although I’m a lover of the written word, this is actually my very first blog posting — all the more reason to be excited, right?

Before we go any further, there are a two, very important things you need to know about me: first, that I’m a music lover, and second, that I have a serious sweet tooth!  Other notable things are that I love to laugh, travel, and share home-cooked meals with close friends.  Also, I have an adorable six-pound yorkiepoo named Mister Schuester.  Oh, and before I forget: my partner and I got engaged last month!

…the wedding is in four weeks!

I look forward to sharing the wedding-planning details with you!  Wish me luck!

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  1. Pingback: Welcome to the Weekend | Reserve the Date :: the Blog

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